Publication Ethics

Ethics of publishing

Ethics of Publishing:

Duties of the Editor-in-Chief:

• The ethics of the Geographical Planning of Space journal regarding the Editor-in-Chief's duties based on the recommendations of the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE).

• The Editor-in-Chief of the journal actively works to improve the quality of the journal.

• The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for making decisions regarding the publication of articles submitted to the journal.

• Reviewing articles for compatibility with the policies of the journal's editorial board and compliance with the laws adopted are other duties of the Editor-in-Chief.

• The Editor-in-Chief should review the article solely on the basis of content, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, citizenship, or political orientation.

• The Editor-in-Chief and each editorial board member should not disclose any information about the submitted article except for the corresponding author, referees, editors and publisher.

• The refereeing process is such that neither the referee is known to the author nor the author to the referee.

• The Editor-in-Chief cannot use unpublished content submitted without the written permission of the author.

Duties of referees:

• The referees assist the Editor-in-Chief in the qualitative, content and scientific review of the articles to publish them. Referees communicate with the author through editorial members to assist the author in improving the quality and content of the article.

• All information contained in the articles should be treated confidentially by the referee and should not be disclosed or discussed by anyone other than those authorized by the Editor-in-Chief.

• Refereeing articles should be based on sufficient scientific evidence and reasoning, should be clear and evident and refrain from expressing a personal opinion in refereeing articles.

• The referee must draw the editor's attention to any significant similarity or overlap between the articles under review or any other published article that he is aware of.

• Special information or ideas obtained during refereeing should be kept confidential and should not be used for personal benefit.

• Any referee who feels disqualified to review a research, whether the subject of the article is in the scope of work or the lengthening of the refereeing process due to lack of time or lack of access to sufficient facilities, etc. must notify the Editor-in-Chief and quit the review process.

• Attention to the sources used in the article is another duty of the referees, all research, topics and citations used in the article should be accompanied by a full reference in the library.

• Referees should not accept articles for refereeing where there are interests of certain individuals, institutions, and companies or there are personal relationships.

Duties of the author:

• The authors of the research articles should provide both a detailed report of the work conducted and a good scientific expression of its importance.

• Articles should be sufficiently detailed and comprehensive to allow others to repeat them. False and inaccurate statements are unethical and unacceptable.

• Submitting one article to several journals or submitting the articles published or accepted in other journals is against the law.

• Articles submitted by authors should be the work of the author presenting the article and any use of research by others should be cited by mentioning the source.

• All those who made a significant contribution to the work should be called as the co-authors or appreciated as contributors.

• The corresponding author should ensure that the names of all co-authors are included in the article and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the article and agreed to submit it to the journal for publication.

• At any time the author discovers any errors or inaccuracies in the article, he or she should notify the Editor-in-Chief or publisher of the article and take action for correction or withdraw the article.