Keywords = topsis
The level of inequality city of the province of the crime indicators using quantitative techniques

Volume 10, Issue 36, September 2020, Pages 233-248


Alireza Khajeh shahkoii; Amir Gorbani; Mostafa Dehdari; Ebrahim Moamari; Seyed Alireza Ebrahimi

Measurement of spatial distribution of industrial components intermsof its level of development Case study: city of Ardabi

Volume 8, Issue 28, September 2018, Pages 115-132

atta ghafari gilandeh; saiideh alavi; ahmad aftab

Using Least Cost Pathway in road routing in Kordkuy, Bandar-e-Gaz and Galugah Towns

Volume 5, Issue 15, June 2015, Pages 81-94

Sahar Abedian; Abdolrassoul Salmanmahiny; Afshin Alizadeh; nemat allah khorasani