Analysis and Assessment of Settlement Development on Urban Area with the New Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods, A Case Study: East Azarbaijan

Document Type : Research Paper



The planning out of improving the settlement development clearly is depended to attain a services of the standards and norms that tough doing them satisfaction and peace of the persons to be evaluated by covering of material and psychological necessaries. This concept of the settlement development is looking to reform and evolution the concept of development from a more quantity one to a sustainable development. We want to edify the indices of the settlement development to modeling, expectations, advantages, and real need of the people (any scale) should be used. This paper assessment and analyze of the quality of settlement development in urban areas of east Azarbaijan province. So the kind of this research is applied research and from the view of analysis in framework of research procedure is descriptive – deductive research. The used new hybrid Delphi and multi-criteria decision-making methods like ANP, DEMATEL and PROMETHEE II, that these practices are used to ratings. This paper to a mutual cohesion between criteria and sub criteria has been used DEMATEL technical. Then, this correlation has implemented on the analytic network process (ANP), and next, the Delphi group have marked to the couple of comparisons resulting from past stage. Finally was identified the weight of the sub-criteria as well. The industrial manufactory and service – workers had the highest weight. In the next step, these weights were used to give rate to each urban areas, also results of 6 case criteria and 18 case sub criteria showed in 19 urban areas that Tabriz is highest and Kalebar is lowest.


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