investigated the effect of ICT on learning the basics of the quality of urban life, is a city in Mazandaran province

Document Type : Research Paper



Abstract The present study investigated the effect of ICT on learning the basics of the quality of urban life, is a city in Mazandaran province. The purpose of the study, practice, and a description of the nature of the survey. The population includes all people who lived in the cities of Mazandaran province in 92-1391 using cluster random sampling method selected three university And by observing the random proportions, to determine the sample size combined with sampling (random and stratified cluster) with respect of the 385 patients in the two groups of men and women sampled respectively. Data quality of urban life questionnaire with 30 being the face and content validity was confirmed by experts And reliability using Cronbach's alpha coefficient is 86/0. Independent t-test was used for data analysis. The results showed that, the basics of ICT has a significant impact on the quality of urban life. One can also conclude that the fundamentals of ICT on the quality of urban life is. The population includes all people who lived in the cities of Mazandaran province in 92-1391 using cluster random sampling method selected three university And by observing the random proportions, to determine the sample size combined with sampling (random and stratified cluster) with respect of the 385 patients in the two groups of men and women sampled respectively. Data quality of urban life questionnaire with 30 being the face and content validity was confirmed by experts And reliability using Cronbach's alpha coefficient is 86/0. Independent t-test was used for data analysis.


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