Investigating the possibility of creative city in Middle cities (A case study of Sari)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Mazandaran, Babolsar

2 - MA in Geography & Urban Planning, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar


Creative cities with dynamic people, experienced and creative is a place where ideas are empowered and people are attempting together in all aspects of urban life to transfer their community to a better places for work and living which consequently it lead to development of their country as whole. The philosophy of creative city is that there always exist more potential more than our imagination. Creative cities with dynamic, experienced and creative people, where ideas are strengthened and people in all walks of life are working together to turn their societies into better places to live and work and play a vital role in growth and It will develop any countryThe present study aims to study Sari by proposing the question of whether the city has right potentials for transferring into creative city. The methodology of the research is based on descriptive and analytical approaches which the data and information were collected from secondary and official documents. In this research, strategic model of Meta-SWOT was applied by identifying the most important indicators of creative city. The main purpose of the model is to guide decision makers in an integrated process from primary stage of brain storm to create a ranked list of strategic priorities. This tool allows infinite review of the inputs, as decision makers change their assessment during a planning activity. Also Meta-SWOT technique was used to formulate a development strategy and explain the goals, resources, abilities and environmental factors. Based on the results, the most important factor to attain Sari to creative city is increasing expert skills and entrepreneurial activities. The variety of economic activities, the growth of science and technology centers are the other factors which should take effective measures.


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