Evaluating the components of residential quality in the Worn-out Texture of Jahrom city

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Architecture, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran


The quality of the residential environment is one of the common topics in environmental issues, which focuses on the relationship between people and their residential environment at different levels (home, neighborhood, and city). Therefore, this article evaluates the components of residential quality in the worn-out context of Jahrom city. The current research is applied and descriptive-analytical in terms of purpose and method, respectively. Data has been collected using library studies, field surveys, and questionnaire tools. The sample size for filling out the questionnaire was determined by Cochran's formula and was determined to be 321 people. The research findings were analyzed using AMOS and SPSS software structural equation modeling. Based on the experiment and data analysis results, the living situation in Jahrom city is not desirable. Also, it was found that the index of access to services and facilities has the greatest effect on the residential quality of the worn-out texture of Jahrom city. In this context, the role and effect of access to medical, shopping, recreational, sports, religious, educational, etc. centers were greater than other indicators of access, whose factor loading is equal to 0.75. Therefore, the state of residential quality in the worn-out texture of Jahrom city has been at an inappropriate level, and the residential quality indicators have a tremendous role in this field with the improvement of these indicators, such as the level of accessibility, reducing social damage and increasing social security, among other things. Actions can be taken to optimize the residential quality in the worn-out texture of Jahrom city.
Extended Abstract
Cities are home to more than half of the world's people. Increasing urbanization will make 60% of people live in cities by 2050. Environmental quality and sustainability seeks to maintain, strengthen and protect our environmental resources, which directly aim to provide a friendly quality of life and sustainable development for future generations. In recent decades, the quality of life in cities has increasingly attracted the attention of politicians, managers and city residents. By using the principles of sustainable housing, in the process of urban planning and benefiting from residential capacities, it can be used to improve the quality of the environment. The quality of the residential environment is one of the common topics in the field of environmental psychology, which focuses on the relationship between people and their residential environment at different levels (home, neighborhood, and city). In general, the quality of the environment can be seen as reflecting the differences and gaps between a person's hopes and expectations with his current experiences, which indicates satisfaction with the living environment. Also, satisfaction with the quality of the residential environment is one of the most important indicators for raising the level of quality of life and public welfare, and it is considered a criterion for evaluating the housing situation of residents, needs, preferences, quality of life, and the level of success or failure of residential projects. The rapid growth of cities in the last few decades has led to the formation of inappropriate tissues and cars. In addition, the old tissues in the cities have been worn out and these places have suffered a severe decline in terms of quality of life. Unfortunately, the dilapidated fabric of Jahorm city is facing many problems, which itself has become the cause of problems such as immigration, decline, social isolation, environmental issues, and functional exhaustion. Therefore, this article has been carried out with the aim of evaluating the components of residential quality in the dilapidated fabric of Jahrom city, so that by knowing the current situation, it is possible to plan and achieve the desired situation.
The current research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. Data collection has been done with the methods of library studies and field surveys and questionnaire tools. The sample size was determined by Cochran's formula and was determined by the number of 321 people. The sampling method in this research is a simple random sampling method. To determine the validity of the questionnaire, the opinions of professors and academic staff members of the university were used, and the reliability of the questionnaire was checked using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Finally, the research findings were obtained using structural equation modeling in Amos and SPS software environment. S was analyzed.
Results and discussion
The statistical description of the characteristics of the sample in terms of gender showed that 184 (57/32%) were men and 137 (48/68%) were women. Also, 64/33% of the participants with bachelor's education were obtained with the highest frequency. Examining the descriptive average of research indicators and dimensions showed that the average of the research indicators is in the numerical range of 2.27 to 3.34. In this regard, the average index of solidarity and social participation equal to 3.34 has the highest average and the average of the residential quality dimension in general is equal to 2.71 with a standard deviation of 0.45. One-sample T-test was used to evaluate the residential quality situation in the worn-out context of Jahrom city. The obtained results indicate that the residential situation in Jahrom city is in a bad condition. Investigating the quality of housing in general, it can be concluded that the quality of housing in the worn-out fabric of Jahrom city is in a poor condition. ) The results obtained from the structural model and leveling show the impact of the research indicators on the residential quality of worn-out fabric in Jahrom city. In this regard, factor loadings or standardized regression coefficients are less than 0.3 and significant at the level of weak effect, higher than 0.3 at the level of acceptable effect, higher than 0.4 at the level of moderate effect and more than 0.5 at the level of The effect is strong and higher than 0.7 is in the level of very strong effect. According to these interpretations and the obtained results, it can be said that the index of access to services and facilities with a factor load of 0.777 or 0.78 has very strong impact levels and indicators of social damage and social security, vitality and individual-social hope., having a sense of belonging and solidarity and social participation has a strong level of influence on the residential quality of worn-out fabric in the studied sample. In this context, the environmental dimension had a weaker effect level than the research indicators.
Investigating the status of residential quality indicators in Jahorm city also showed that the status of indicators of social damage and social security and solidarity and social participation are above normal levels and for indicators of access to services and facilities, vitality and individual-social hope, sense of belonging, physical and environmental in the studied sample is in a poor condition. The results of the present research are in line with the original researches of Allah Yaari Arde et al. (2016), Maleki et al. In general, it can be concluded that the quality of living in Jahrom city is in a bad condition. The research results show that more and more accessible service centers have a great role and effect in improving the quality of living in dilapidated areas, especially the dilapidated area of Jahrom city. Among other important factors in this field, we can mention the status of access to other parts of the city, the status of stations and public transportation. Therefore, the residential quality situation in the dilapidated fabric of Jahrom city is at an inappropriate level, and the residential quality indicators have a tremendous role in this field. He took action to improve the quality of living in the worn-out fabric of Jahrom city.
There is no funding support.
Authors’ Contribution
Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none.
Conflict of Interest
Authors declared no conflict of interest.
 We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.


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