Maragheh locate optimal physical development with an emphasis on urban sustainability

Document Type : Research Paper


Landscape and urban development programs leading to the increasing population and growing urbanization, lack of land, the land adjacent to urban construction and create Slums been in steep areas. Practical use and land use change program regardless of environmental capacity caused the loss of environmental balance and sustainable development of urban cities have been challenged. Study and plan to manage urban growth and mitigate adverse economic, social and environmental aspects to locate the optimal physical development is in the city of Maragheh. Using analytical - descriptive study is aimed at applications. This study analyzed the environmental and human constraints on physical growth of Maragheh, using AHP and GIS trying to find the optimum area for future physical development of the city of Maragheh. Measures affecting the physical development of computational methods AHP were analyzed by the experts were rating, Expert Choice weighting of criteria from affecting the physical development of the city was applied in layers, combining the best aspects of physical development of map layers in GIS environment were identified. The results show that the city of Maragheh in their physical development does not follow a pattern. The city due to being trapped in the higher elevations, Gardens classy, chay Sufi River, railroads, military lands, development of marginalization and the bezel around the city and the problem of disposal of surface water, the only two options for developing appropriate ways physical ahead; One of the central part of the city with vacant land with scattered rural context and the other half flat and hilly lands in the West and Southwest of the city.


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