Measurment and Get Priority of Rural Areas in term of Social Development Surfaces by way Fuzzy Topsis Method (Case Study:Meshkinshahr Cuounty

Document Type : Research Paper


The meaning of development is improvement of all aspects of human life, commonly. Development affects all of society stratums on all aspects of life. And use from available resources, rationality. In the rural areas the realization of such development is results of creating of social and economical equilibrium for whole of people aspects and to honor their civil and their participation in the base of return and logical reliance to environmental forgotten resources. Therefore, social development is important role on rural development. The aim of this research measurement and get Priority of social development in the rural areas by way Fuzzy Topsis Technique, in the Meshhinshahr county. The methodological approach was a descriptive –analytical of the survey type. Statistical population of this study consisted of all Farmers in Meshkinshar County. The sample size determined by using Cochran formula (n=185). The content and face validity of the instrument was specified after several times review and correction by the faculty of members at university and several expertise of administrative offices. A pilot test was conducted to determine to reliability of the questionnaire and Cronbach Alpha coefficient of 0.79 was achieved. The achieved data’s were analyzed by Fuzzy Topsis techniques. In the end, the results of multi –attribute decision making methods in the base of calculated weights showed that dehstans of Shaban and Salavat lied in the first rank in view of social development, respectively, and dehestans of Shomali arshagh lied in the last rank. Finally, based on the results analysis, some applied recommendations have been provided.


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