Spatial and temporal analysis of the thermal islands of Gorgan urban areas

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Payam Noor University Branch

2 null

3 Associated professor of GIS & RS group of Tehran Kharazmi University - Iran


Urbanization represents the most dramatic human alteration of the land surface, typically resulting in the formation of urban heat islands . Land surface temperature (LST) is a key parameter for surface energy balance and urban climatology studies. Understanding the spatial distribution of temperature is the basis for proper planning and environmental policy making. In this study, using Landsat 7 satellite imagery in two time periods of base year (2017-2010) and second interval (2000-2005) were used on average in three warm months of the year Then these images were first geometrically corrected; then these images were used to calculate temperature-related parameters using a single-window method in Gorgan. It was then used to improve the accuracy of the work using the hourly temperature data of the thermal islands analyzed. The results show that temporal and spatial variations of thermal islands in Gorgan have a high cluster pattern. However, the local Moran index and hot spots in the north, northwest and east and downtown have a positive spatial correlation (hot spots). However, there are cold spots in the southern areas of the city. However, many parts of the city of Gorgan have no significant patterns or spatial autocorrelation during the study period. It can be said that the thermal islands of Gorgan depend on two factors: one is the prevailing climatic conditions in the period under study and the second is the prevailing humanitarian conditions in the city. climatic conditions in the period under study and the second is the prevailing humanitarian conditions in the city.


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