Evaluation of spatial analyses in poverty expansion in Tabriz urban areas

Document Type : Research Paper



Urban poverty is the greatest challenges of global development. If the current adverse trends continue, over the next years, two billion people will be residents of impoverished areas.Also one of the third word countries’s features is high concentrated and unbalanced civilization. There fore a few numbers of neighbourhoodsare in welfare and confort in these cities. In return some of inhabilants in urban regions are not in acceptable welfare and convenience. So in order to balance and get access to an appropriate pattern, discussion of logical planning is proposed. It is aimed to identifying inequality, and establishing a balance in the region of the city in different places.It is necessary to take insistent action to adjust inequalities , Today, Tabriz city as the fifth most populated city of Iran is experiencing rapid urbanization and urbanism which this leads to lack of services and facilities available to citizens and the objectivity of poverty can be found in areas, like Yousef Abad, Khalil Abad, etc.Thus the study of the spatial spread of poverty in the city of Tabriz inevitable. The research method is an applied, descriptive, comparative analytical .For recognizing and measuring poverty, spatial autocorrelation technique using hot spot analysis in Arc / GIS is used. To analyze the distribution patterns of urban poverty Moran statistic is used. To measure the spatial variation of poverty on the basis of social, economic and physical during 1996-2006 is used Crosstab model in the IDRISI software. In order to recognitize Tabriz in perspective of spatial poverty organization, statistical blocks of year 1996-2006 have been used. .


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