Evaluating the realization rate of land use in implementation of rural Guide Plan (Case study: Zanjan county)

Document Type : Research Paper


Rural Guide Plan for Structural and functional organizing the rural, according to the distribution meaningful uses the based to the needs, constraints and capabilities of the village done. One of the main objectives of the plan, is land use planning at the village level. With emphasize on necessity Guide plan evaluate, cognition of the level performance of the project in land use planning have high effect in the future physical development of rurals the country.
Research methodin Paper is a descriptive-analytical. Its purpose is to evaluate the performance of plan Guide rural in land use planning and rate realization of the proposed uses in rurals is. Data were collected through field studies and library. The study population included the 24 villages in the Zanjan county. The population Selected village is 6757 person. Using Morgan table, 364 person were selected as simple. Data analyzed by descriptive statistics, goodness of fit tests, probit regression model, GMDH neural network was performed. And The software Excel, R, SPSS, and Matlab was used.
Based on the results in the probit testingfrom among different applications, "residential User" 0.3496 "street network" 0.3461 with percapita standard user compliance has. Also, according to the goodness of fit test results are most satisfactory from indicator of "residential User" 87.7 and "cultural and religious User" 83.763. And Based on the analysis of neural network index "Passages street network User» 0.1023 and "residential User" 0.1296 has improved over the other indices. Therefore, for run optimally plan Guide, and realization of its objectives, the issue of land area and the creation of a monitoring system for realization of different applications to be attention. Obviously, the participation of people in various stages of plan and increase organizational control and supervision over contracting companies in production stages and implementing the plan seems necessary.


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