Survey of Effects of Rural Tourism in Social Development in the Rural Areas, Case Study: Meshkin Shar

Document Type : Research Paper


In the world countries from truism rural is known as experienced catalysts for reconstruction and social development in the rural areas. Rural tourism is as an infrastructural function can continue and expand via participation and dependency to other society economical and cultural sectors .in addition, rural tourism play important role to growth and evolution of rural areas .in addition, the linking of rural tourism with national development play important role on country development. The nature of this study is practical and it’s doing method is analytic-descriptive and of the casual-comparative type. The number of this project population is 3643 persons that includes residents of Onar village (as the village with tourism activities) and the residents of Kojang as the village without tourism activities from Meshkinshart city in the Ardabil province. Collection of needed data in this project has been done through field and documental method. Field method based on questionnaire. Also, Spss software has been used in order to analysis of data through statistical methods (descriptive and illative). The face and content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by professors and experts, and its reliability was confirmed based on Cronbach's alpha (0.87 Results of T-Test shows that there is a significant difference between respondents of Onar village and Kojang in reinforcement of educational infrastructures, empowerment, social cohesion, satisfaction, access to social services, employment situation, membership of civic complexes, education situation, life quality and employment security . Also, these results shows that there is no significant difference in social responsibility, social participation, reducing of conflicts, social cooperation, and local dependency between respondents. Finally, according to the study results, a number of recommendations in solving the wheat farmer’s problems are also presented.


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