Measuring the quality urban environment with emphasis on the social space Through technique (ANP) Case Study: Neighborhood Darabad Tehran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Science and Research

2 Science and Research Branch

3 University of Sistan and Baluchestan


Built environment is a potential of social behavior and communications that its potentiality is affected by the qualities of built environment (urban spaces). According to Jan Gehl activities taking place in the environment are divided into three main categories include obligatory, voluntary and social ones. It should be noted that not just obligatory activities are affected by environment quality, but when an urban space includes a high range of quality, voluntary activities increase frequently and accordingly the number of social activities which leads to social communications extremely increases. Having some sorts of factors to evaluate the quality of urban design alternatives and compare the quality of urban spaces which emphasis of social aspect have always been one of the issues that have studied from different views and subsequently some factors have been introduced. These points of views are not comprehended by themselves and all of them studied the subject from their own angels. There is something in common with them, however, but assembling comprehensive factors to evaluate urban designing and urban spaces seem significant. In this study with a documentary research and other theoretical texts, factors and quality indexes about the city and favorable urban spaces have been adopted that eventually 5 main factors and 13 subsidiary factors have been presented, a favorable environment absolutely would be used by urban users if includes the following items:
• Linking & Access as the main factor with 4 subsidiary factors of accessibility, legibility, Linking and surrounding
• Image & Comfort as the main factor with 3 subsidiary factors of beauty and regularity, relaxation and identity


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